New 4 Layer Option?


Today I went to order a 4 layer board through PC Builder. After uploading my gerbers and selecting the appropriate settings, I was given the option to select “Digi-Key Red Quick Turn” as the board house (see attached screenshot). I can’t find any information or updates that indicates that this option (with a 4 layer stackup) existed so I wanted to get some clarification.

  1. Is it possible to order 4 Layer boards via Digi-Key Red Quick Turn?
  2. If so, is there any documentation on the stackup?



Hey @nreimens! Welcome to the forum.

You’re right, we did a soft launch this last week on a 4 layer board as well as a Quick Turn (5 business day processing time) option. No documentation on the 4 layer stackup but I do have a request in for that.

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Very cool, thats awesome news! I would appreciate the stackup documentation if/when it becomes available but, I’m happy to see 4 layers added to the production capabilities. Hopefully the soft launch went well!

Thanks for the update!

@Linzee_1029, I went ahead and placed an order of a batch of 4 layer boards, selecting the Digi-Key Red Quick Turn as the board manufacture. About an hour later I received a notice that my order was rejected:

Subject: Order Rejection
We are sorry to inform you your order has been rejected for the following reason: 4 layer board. - Email with any questions or concerns.

I’m guessing that these services (4 Layer board, DKred Quick Turn) are not mutually inclusive?

Hi @nreimens, sorry for the delay in responding to you.

Looks like your order caught a couple error codes on the board house side of things. It was the 4 layer board itself, not the combination of 4L + Quick turn. We’re going to do some double checking on this to make sure that issue is ironed out.