Notes for TE Cable Seals; 207052-1, 207052-2, and 207052-3

TE Connectivity AMP offers a circular connector sealing kit for some of its CPC Series connectors. The manufacturer part numbers are 207052-1, 207052-2, and 207052-3, of which part number 207052-3 (Digi-key# A16065-ND) is currently on our site at the time of this post. [click here ].

The sealing kit appears to be a stand-alone product, but TE AMP offers these as an accessory to a set of existing strain relief products that must be purchased separately. A complete guide to the relevant part numbers, along with information from specific TE documents, is necessary to understand how and when to use the sealing kits. Purchasing any of these without the associated strain relief parts will not be effective.

Refer to TE Instruction Sheet #408-7582 throughout the remainder of this article: [click here ].

The three cable seals are assigned to different cable jacket outside diameters: (page 05, upper-left) [Doc. #408-7582]. This is the first data that should be considered when choosing this cable seal.


In the same document [Doc. #408-7582], the actual instructions start on page 04, Section 6. “Installing Jacketed Cable Sealing Kits.” Note the statement, “The jacketed cable sealing kit is used with the large, Size 23 shield and strain relief kit only.” Refer back to this section when installing the sealing kit with the shield and strain relief product.

Those shield and strain relief kits are listed on page 01 [Doc. #408-7582]. Find ‘23’ in the “Connector Size” column and note that two of the kits are listed as ‘Large’. Those are 206512-1 and 207774-1. Part number 206138-1 is described as ‘Standard’, so that model will be left out of the list.

Since the suffix (or prefix) codes for either of these products only refer to packing options or other data not related to form or function, any part number given as 206512-x and 207774-x should work with the cable sealing kits. These are the parts that must be used with the cable sealing kit (20752).

206512 Datasheet: [click here ].

207774 Datasheet: [click here ].

The links to all of the 206512 and 207774 products on the Digi-key site are below. They can also be found by searching for either part number from our home page and choosing the ‘Circular Connectors – Backshells and Cable Clamps’ category from the results: [click here ]. Some options within the results may already be obsolete—check the suffix options for the active version (packing updates).

206512 Products: [click here ].

207774 Products: [click here ].

For more backshell and cable clamp products, please review the following list: [click here ]. Product Index > Connectors, Interconnects > Circular Connectors – Backshells and Cable Clamps.

For more circular connector accessories, please use the following link: [click here ]. Product Index > Connectors, Interconnects > Circular Connectors – Accessories.