Trying to identify this part. I believe it to be of the TE Mictor SB 80 centerline family but I am finding it difficult to get a part number for a saddle mount connector. There are 80 pins connecting to the circuit board on the top and bottom layers and potentially more for the ground connectors that I can’t see clearly. From back of connector to tip of each pin is about 3 mm. Board thickness is about 2.25 mm. Any help is appreciated. Thank you
Thank you for contacting DigiKey , sorry I am not seeing that we have any to offer for mounting to the edge of a PCB like the one in
the pictures .
Thanks Craig
Hi don_crothers,
It looks quite like the Samtec Q Strip® QSE series, which I believe is compatible with the Mictor series.
We do stock one board edge-mount part, the QSE-040-01-L-D-EM2, but it isn’t quite the same as your part. This one has a board-lock feature which yours doesn’t have, and yours has a wider board spacing. The board spacing is called out by the suffix “EM2” or “EM3”, with the “EM3” specified for 2.34mm PCB thickness, as shown in this document.
Also, further down in that same document it states that the wider board spacing is not a standard product, so would not be readily available.
Thank you both so much! I’ll take a look at the information that you have provided. Trying to repair a piece of 90’s era test equipment.