Power connector resmed airsense 11

Hi I am looking for the part name/ number of a power connector for a CPAP machine Resmed Airsense 11, thanks
connect 22


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That looks very proprietary. I did not find any connectors or power entry plugs/receptacles that resemble that or near. The relatable categories are below.
Power Connectors Plugs and Receptacles category
Power Entry Modules Category.

According to ResMed AirMini CPAP Machine Power Connector (bixpower.com) this connector is special made and unfortunately we don’t carry it.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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You can find the cable at $30 on amazon.https://www.amazon.ca/ResMed-AirSense-Cable-Medistrom-Pilot-24/dp/B0B3F7ZY65/ref=sr_1_2?crid=14EOO9JVK8VYU&keywords=AIRSENSE+11+CABLE&qid=1681366889&sprefix=airsense+11+cable%2Caps%2C82&sr=8-2
I just want the connector. I have found complete adapters also with this connector… Where are they getting it ???

here is another complete adapter https://www.amazon.ca/HKY-Replacement-AirSense-Converter-Airsense/dp/B0BYJ7NKM4/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=resmed+airsense+11+dc+power+cord&qid=1681367258&sprefix=resmed+airsense+11+%2Caps%2C77&sr=8-2

tried looking on google lens and alie express but nothing …

Most likely from ResMed. If you contact them and ask to buy 1000 pieces they may very well sell them to you.

Another less likely but possible way they got them is via the company ResMed contracts to build the cables. Some contract manufacturers are willing to violate NDAs, buy more parts than they need for ResMed’s orders, then quietly sell the extras to other contract manufacturers.

And unfortunately we don’t carry this manufacturer and thus cannot proceed with a non catalogue request for it. The minimums from manufacturers can be quite large for something like this and they don’t often sell to individuals. Maybe try locating a distributor of ResMed and see if they carry only the connector.

Sorry for the inconvenience.