I’m trying to use Scheme-it but the User Library feature seems to have issues. At one point I managed, without trying, to get multiple of instances of the same symbol in My Favorites. Those are now gone but there are still problems. There is now only one symbol in My Favorites, a crystal. But when, in my diagram, I right click over a resistor one of the choices is “Remove From Favorites”. Clearly it thinks I have the resistor symbol in my Favorites but it is not. Clicking on the “Remove From Favorites” choice has no effect, as the next time I right click over a resistor the same choice appears. The net effect is that I can’t actually have a resistor in My Favorites. Suggestions?
@msa01 - The Scheme-it team is looking into this issue with viewing and saving favorite symbols. In the meantime, it may help to refresh the page and ensure you are still logged in.