Hi, I need help regarding the Product SIM-S-IO3-TRI-2-LP ( Truphone) the following questions:
What Package does this SIM card has by default for the internet? I have been buying similar sims with 500MB internet valid for 5 years, does this SIM include the same package?
I have a Truphone account where I manage all my current owned sim cards, If I purchase more from here, how they will be added to my platform? I don’t have any option to add it myself there.
Hi uzairhasan,
Welcome to the Tech Forum!
We link some information which may be of use to you if you scroll down a bit on the product detail page for the SIM-S-IO3-TRI-2-LP.
Regarding your first question, assuming the video “How to Activate a Truphone Data Plan SIM Card - Another Teaching Moment | Digi-Key Electronics” found there is still current, there are several plan options ranging from 5MB to 1GB, but all are based on an annual plan rather than multi-year plan.
As for your second question, that same video implies that you can log in and add additional cards there, though it does not show specifically how this can be accomplished, as the video assumes this is your first time using it.
If you have any trouble, the video also shows a customer support number: