Dear Support,
Please advise difference between SC14441C52R101QNC and SC14441C52R101QNCX.
or kindly advise what is suffix “X” in the part number SC14441C52R101QNCX from Dialog Semiconductor?
Dear Support,
Please advise difference between SC14441C52R101QNC and SC14441C52R101QNCX.
or kindly advise what is suffix “X” in the part number SC14441C52R101QNCX from Dialog Semiconductor?
I wasn’t able to find any documents showing the ‘X’ suffix as an option, but I did see it listed on some IC broker sites. Dialog Semiconductor only lists SC14441C52R101QNC.
I will send out a request for more information. There could be various reasons that the part number appears with an ‘X’ suffix on some sites, but it may or may not have anything to do with Dialog Semiconductor.
The reply from the supplier is that the ‘X’ indicates the tape/reel packing. They also noted that this is not available in tray packing. Either way, the form and function of the part would not be affected.