Software FIFO Buffer for UART Communication

Created by Scott Schmit, last modified on Apr 22, 2014


UART communication is a very simple and inexpensive means of serial communication in embedded designs. Typically, a microcontroller has only a one or two-byte hardware buffer for each UART receiver and transmitter. If a multi-byte transmit is needed, the user needs to wait for the UART transmitter to shift out all of its data byte by byte so that data is not overwritten or discarded. This byte-by-byte “wait time” is amplified when a CPU is operating at higher speeds while using lower baud rates for UART communication. Software data buffers alleviate this problem by providing a larger buffer to store data while waiting for the UART to shift data out-of the transmitter or into the receiver.


The purpose of this library is to provide a generic software buffer for UART communication, written in easy-to-understand C/C++ programming language. The buffer is interrupt driven which allows the microcontroller to execute functions in parallel with UART communication. Alternatively, the microcontroller can be put in a lower power mode (if supported) while waiting for UART TX or RX.


  • To use this software buffer, the microcontroller must support “UART TX buffer empty” and “UART RX data received” interrupts.
  • It’s assumed that the reader has some prior experience with C/C++ programming language.
  • Having prior knowledge of FIFO buffers is beneficial, but not required. Here’s some background info: link

Theory of Operation

The software buffer behaves like a circular First-In, First-Out (FIFO) buffer. Data is entered and removed from the buffer in chronological order. The size of the buffer is defined by FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE in sw_fifo.h and is limited by the amount of RAM in the microcontroller. The user should keep the size of the buffer as small as possible while still ensuring no overflow occurs.

The buffer uses external flags to indicate that data is present in the RX or TX software buffer. Any user-function can check the flags at any time to see if data has exists in either buffer. The flags are declared as external variables in sw_fifo.h . Therefore, in order to use the flags, the user must declare them in their own main file (or wherever the flag check is being made) as shown below:

volatile uint8_t uart_rx_fifo_not_empty_flag = 0; // this flag is automatically set and cleared by the software buffer
volatile uint8_t uart_tx_fifo_not_empty_flag = 0; // this flag is automatically set and cleared by the software buffer

The software buffer contains two flags for monitoring software buffer overflow conditions. These flags are automatically set by the software buffer when an overflow condition occurs. However, the user needs to manually clear the flags. If the buffer is made large enough, the user should be able get by without ever checking these flags. However, it is good practice to check if an overflow condition has occurred. These flags are declared as external variables in sw_fifo.h . Therefore, in order to use these flags, the user must declare the variables in their own main file (or wherever the flag check is being made) as shown below:

volatile uint8_t uart_rx_fifo_ovf_flag = 0;  // this flag is not automatically cleared by the software buffer
volatile uint8_t uart_tx_fifo_ovf_flag = 0;  // this flag is not automatically cleared by the software buffer

The software buffer also contains two flags for monitoring if each buffer is currently full. These flags are automatically handled by the software buffer and never need to be cleared by the user. Again, if the buffer is made large enough, the user should be able to get by without ever checking these flags. However, it is good practice to check if the buffer is full before writing to it to prevent overflow conditions. These flags are declared as external variables in sw_fifo.h . Therefore, in order to use these flags, the user must declare the variables in their own main.c file (or wherever the flag check is being made) as shown below:

volatile uint8_t uart_rx_fifo_full_flag = 0; // this flag is automatically set and cleared by the software buffer
volatile uint8_t uart_tx_fifo_full_flag = 0; // this flag is automatically set and cleared by the software buffer

To interact with this software buffer, the user’s functions simply need to call the uart_send_byte() and uart_get_byte() functions. The user can monitor the 6 available software buffer flags if desired. For proper functionality, the user must enable global interrupts. The user also must enable the individual “TX hardware buffer empty” and “received valid data” interrupts specific to the microcontroller being used.

This software buffer works best on devices that have separate RX and TX hardware buffers. If the microcontroller uses the same hardware buffer for RX and TX, the “received data” interrupt will need to be disabled while data exists in the TX software buffer.


This software buffer was written in generic fashion. However, some portions are platform-specific (they will change depending on which microcontroller is being used). These areas are indicated by Double Comment Bars as shown below:

/* platform specific code required */

Error Handling

Receive Errors
  • RX hardware buffer underflow errors should not occur because data is only added to the RX software buffer when the receive data interrupt executes.
  • RX hardware buffer overflow is a possibility and should be handled by the user if desired.
  • Frame and parity errors are possible and should be handled by the user if desired.
  • RX software buffer overflow will never overwrite existing data. The “uart_rx_fifo_ovf_flag” is set when this event occurs and remains set until manually cleared by the user.
  • RX software buffer underflow is possible. The uart_get_byte() function will return 0 under this condition. However, this can be avoided by checking the “uart_rx_fifo_not_empty_flag” before calling the uart_get_byte() function.
Transmit Errors
  • TX hardware buffer overflow should not occur because the software buffer waits for the “TX buffer empty” interrupt to execute.
  • TX hardware buffer underflow should not occur because the software buffer disables the “TX buffer empty” interrupt when the last element has been removed from the software buffer.
  • TX software buffer overflow will never overwrite existing data. The “uart_tx_fifo_ovf_flag” is set when this event occurs and remains set until manually cleared by the user. A TX software buffer overflow condition can be avoided by checking the “uart_tx_fifo_full_flag” prior to calling the uart_send_byte() function.

C/C++ Code

/* enter necessary header files for proper interrupt vector and UART/USART visibility */
#include <sw_fifo.h>
typedef struct {
  uint8_t  data_buf[FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE]; // FIFO buffer
  uint16_t i_first;                    // index of oldest data byte in buffer
  uint16_t i_last;                     // index of newest data byte in buffer
  uint16_t num_bytes;                  // number of bytes currently in buffer
sw_fifo_typedef rx_fifo = { {0}, 0, 0, 0 }; // declare a receive software buffer
sw_fifo_typedef tx_fifo = { {0}, 0, 0, 0 }; // declare a transmit software buffer
// UART receive interrupt sub-routine
//  - interrupts when valid data exists in rx hardware buffer
//  - checks if there's room in the rx software buffer
//  - if there's room, it transfers the received data into the sw buffer
//  - automatically handles "uart_rx_buffer_full_flag"
//  - sets overflow flag upon software buffer overflow (doesn't overwrite existing data)
/* enter name of UART RX IRQ Handler here */ {
  /* Explicitly clear the source of interrupt if necessary */
  if(rx_fifo.num_bytes == FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE) {      // if the sw buffer is full
    uart_rx_fifo_ovf_flag = 1;                     // set the overflow flag
  }else if(rx_fifo.num_bytes < FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE) { // if there's room in the sw buffer
    /* read error/status reg here if desired         */
    /* handle any hardware RX errors here if desired */
    rx_fifo.data_buf[rx_fifo.i_last] = /* enter pointer to UART rx hardware buffer here */ // store the received data as the newest data element in the sw buffer
    rx_fifo.i_last++;                              // increment the index of the most recently added element
    rx_fifo.num_bytes++;                           // increment the bytes counter
  if(rx_fifo.num_bytes == FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE) {      // if sw buffer just filled up
    uart_rx_fifo_full_flag = 1;                    // set the RX FIFO full flag
  if(rx_fifo.i_last == FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE) {         // if the index has reached the end of the buffer,
    rx_fifo.i_last = 0;                            // roll over the index counter
  uart_rx_fifo_not_empty_flag = 1;                 // set received-data flag
} // end UART RX IRQ handler
// UART transmit interrupt sub-routine
//  - interrupts when the tx hardware buffer is empty
//  - checks if data exists in the tx software buffer
//  - if data exists, it places the oldest element of the sw buffer into the tx hardware buffer
//  - if the sw buffer is emptied, it disables the "hw buffer empty" interrupt
//  - automatically handles "uart_tx_buffer_full_flag"
/* enter name of UART TX IRQ Handler here */ {
  /* Explicitly clear the source of interrupt if necessary */
  if(tx_fifo.num_bytes == FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE) { // if the sw buffer is full
    uart_tx_fifo_full_flag = 0;               // clear the buffer full flag because we are about to make room
  if(tx_fifo.num_bytes > 0) {                 // if data exists in the sw buffer
    /* enter pointer to UART tx hardware buffer here */ = tx_fifo.data_buf[tx_fifo.i_first]; // place oldest data element in the TX hardware buffer
    tx_fifo.i_first++;                        // increment the index of the oldest element
    tx_fifo.num_bytes--;                      // decrement the bytes counter
  if(tx_fifo.i_first == FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE) {   // if the index has reached the end of the buffer,
    tx_fifo.i_first = 0;                      // roll over the index counter
  if(tx_fifo.num_bytes == 0) {                // if no more data exists
    uart_tx_fifo_not_empty_flag = 0;          // clear flag
    /* disable UART "TX hw buffer empty" interrupt here                     */
    /* if using shared RX/TX hardware buffer, enable RX data interrupt here */
}// end UART TX IRQ handler
// UART data transmit function
//  - checks if there's room in the transmit sw buffer
//  - if there's room, it transfers data byte to sw buffer
//  - automatically handles "uart_tx_buffer_full_flag"
//  - sets the overflow flag upon software buffer overflow (doesn't overwrite existing data)
//  - if this is the first data byte in the buffer, it enables the "hw buffer empty" interrupt
void uart_send_byte(uint8_t byte) {
  /* disable interrupts while manipulating buffer pointers */
  if(tx_fifo.num_bytes == FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE) {      // no room in the sw buffer
    uart_tx_fifo_ovf_flag = 1;                     // set the overflow flag
  }else if(tx_fifo.num_bytes < FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE) { // if there's room in the sw buffer
    tx_fifo.data_buf[tx_fifo.i_last] = byte;       // transfer data byte to sw buffer
    tx_fifo.i_last++;                              // increment the index of the most recently added element
    tx_fifo.num_bytes++;                           // increment the bytes counter
  if(tx_fifo.num_bytes == FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE) {      // if sw buffer is full
    uart_tx_fifo_full_flag = 1;                    // set the TX FIFO full flag
  if(tx_fifo.i_last == FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE) {         // if the "new data" index has reached the end of the buffer,
    tx_fifo.i_last = 0;                            // roll over the index counter
  /* enable interrupts */
  if(tx_fifo.num_bytes > 0) {                      // if there is data in the buffer
    uart_tx_fifo_not_empty_flag = 1;               // set flag
    /* if using shared RX/TX hardware buffer, disable RX data interrupt here */
    /* enable UART "TX hw buffer empty" interrupt here                       */
// UART data receive function
//  - checks if data exists in the receive sw buffer
//  - if data exists, it returns the oldest element contained in the buffer
//  - automatically handles "uart_rx_buffer_full_flag"
//  - if no data exists, it clears the uart_rx_flag
uint8_t uart_get_byte(void) {          
  /* disable interrupts while manipulating buffer pointers */
  uint8_t byte = 0;
  if(rx_fifo.num_bytes == FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE) { // if the sw buffer is full
    uart_rx_fifo_full_flag = 0;               // clear the buffer full flag because we are about to make room
  if(rx_fifo.num_bytes > 0) {                 // if data exists in the sw buffer
    byte = rx_fifo.data_buf[rx_fifo.i_first]; // grab the oldest element in the buffer
    rx_fifo.i_first++;                        // increment the index of the oldest element
    rx_fifo.num_bytes--;                      // decrement the bytes counter
  }else{                                      // RX sw buffer is empty
    uart_rx_fifo_not_empty_flag = 0;          // clear the rx flag
  if(rx_fifo.i_first == FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE) {   // if the index has reached the end of the buffer,
    rx_fifo.i_first = 0;                      // roll over the index counter
  /* enable interrupts */
  return byte;                                // return the data byte
#define FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE 128 // software buffer size (in bytes)
// UART data transmit function
//  - checks if there's room in the transmit sw buffer
//  - if there's room, it transfers data byte to sw buffer
//  - automatically handles "uart_tx_buffer_full_flag"
//  - sets the overflow flag upon software buffer overflow (doesn't overwrite existing data)
//  - if this is the first data byte in the buffer, it enables the "hw buffer empty" interrupt
void uart_send_byte(uint8_t byte);
// UART data receive function
//  - checks if data exists in the receive sw buffer
//  - if data exists, it returns the oldest element contained in the buffer
//  - automatically handles "uart_rx_buffer_full_flag"
//  - if no data exists, it clears the uart_rx_flag
uint8_t uart_get_byte(void);
volatile extern uint8_t uart_rx_fifo_not_empty_flag; // this flag is automatically set and cleared by the software buffer
volatile extern uint8_t uart_rx_fifo_full_flag;      // this flag is automatically set and cleared by the software buffer
volatile extern uint8_t uart_rx_fifo_ovf_flag;       // this flag is not automatically cleared by the software buffer
volatile extern uint8_t uart_tx_fifo_full_flag;      // this flag is automatically set and cleared by the software buffer
volatile extern uint8_t uart_tx_fifo_ovf_flag;       // this flag is not automatically cleared by the software buffer
volatile extern uint8_t uart_tx_fifo_not_empty_flag; // this flag is automatically set and cleared by the software buffer

  • Example Usage
    The following code shows how the user could interact with the UART software buffer from the main function:
#include <sw_fifo.h> // make software buffer visible to this file
volatile uint8_t uart_rx_fifo_not_empty_flag = 0;
volatile uint8_t uart_rx_fifo_full_flag      = 0;
volatile uint8_t uart_rx_fifo_ovf_flag       = 0; 
volatile uint8_t uart_tx_fifo_full_flag      = 0;
volatile uint8_t uart_tx_fifo_ovf_flag       = 0;
volatile uint8_t uart_tx_fifo_not_empty_flag = 0;
int main (void) {
   uint8_t i = 0;
   uint8_t rx_data = 0;
   // initialize clocks
   // disable global interrupts
   // initialize gpio
   // initialize uart/usart
   // enable "UART RX" interrupt and "TX hardware buffer empty" interrupt
   // enable global interrupts
   while(uart_tx_fifo_full_flag);    // wait for room to open up in the software buffer
   uart_send_byte('A');              // transmit ASCII character 'A'
   uart_send_byte(0x41);             // transmit ASCII character 'A'
   // transmit ASCII characters 1-5
   for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
   while(1) {
      // enter sleep mode if supported (wake from UART Rx)
      while(uart_rx_fifo_not_empty_flag) {     // if data exists in software buffer
         rx_data = uart_get_byte();            // grab first data byte from software buffer
         /* handle received byte as desired */
         uart_send_byte(rx_data);              // example of how to echo received ASCII characters
      // check for rx overflow condition
      if(uart_rx_fifo_ovf_flag) {
         /* handle rx overflow condition as desired */
         uart_rx_fifo_ovf_flag = 0;  // clear the rx overflow flag
      // check for tx overflow condition
      if(uart_tx_fifo_ovf_flag) {
         /* handle tx overflow condition as desired */
         uart_tx_fifo_ovf_flag = 0;  // clear the tx overflow flag
      // if you need to disable global interrupts, you should wait until the tx fifo is empty
      /* Disable global interrupts */
      /* Do something */
      /* Re-enable global interrupts */
   } // end while
} // end main

Comments from the Author

The nice thing about software buffers is that you can tailor them to your application. You can make them as large or small as you want and by using an interrupt driven software buffer, you can perform other functions in parallel with UART communication. If your microcontroller supports it, you can enter a lower power mode while waiting for incoming characters over UART. I implemented this software buffer on a microcontroller that supported “wake from UART RX interrupt” sleep mode and it worked like a champ! The goal of this page was to provide a generic C/C++ based software buffer that can be applied to any microcontroller. I hope you find it useful and easy to understand. I have successfully implemented it on a few different microcontrollers. The code can be used freely, however it is a “use at your own risk” scenario.Happy coding!

  • Scott


Any questions or comments please go to Digi-Key’s TechForum

As per my knoweldge, you can’t utilize an equipment fifo buffer in an AVR on the grounds that it doesn’t have an equipment fifo. In any case, you can utilize a get hinder on the uart. The interfere with controller peruses the singe from the uart, places it in an exhibit, augments the cluster record, slows down it to nothing on the off chance that you recently composed that last passage, and does a reti. In the primary program, you can eliminate roasts from the cluster utilizing another list. Exhibit is unfilled when the in and out lists are equivalent.