TDK Micronas Ordering Code

The TDK Micronas Part Numbering Breakdown is as shown below. Using this breakdown, you can identify the Product Group, Type, Package, Temp and further options when available.


If you look in the specific device data sheet it will show you if there are multiple Package or Temp codes available for your part. When looking at part HAL1501SU-A we see this is an SOT23 package and a Temp range of -40°C-+170°C, and that these are currently the only options.

Sometimes, you may find a longer ordering codes on the label such as HAL506SF-A-4-R-1-00-HASE-020H when ordered HAL506SF-A. What is the meaning of last suffixes “HSAE-020H”?

Below breakdown can identidy each detail.

Each Suffixex in HAL506SF-A-4-R-1-00-HASE-020H denotes:

  • HAL - Hall-effect sensor
  • 506 - Product Type 506
  • SF - Package SOT89B
  • A - Temperature range -40 +170C
  • 4-R-1- SMD on carrier Tape & Reel
  • 00- used for stanard part
  • HASE-020H - manufacturer Internal purpose only

More detail about each suffixes, please read this supplier general literature.

Would you happen to know what SP code “10” means?
Full order code: HVC4223F-DL-B6-----T-----------10