Any help greatly appreciated! Zener diode? The silkscreen on the board is labeled for a diode. Many thanks!
Welcome to the Digikey tech forum. I checked and wasn’t able to find any information from the markings on this part.
Any advice on where to look? Many thanks for trying!
Heke!!! Thanks soooooooo MUCH! Ill give it a try! Its already smoked, and it can save our school system $700 if this is the only thing it fried. Appreciate your help so much!
Looks good, nice find Heke !
Hii blawson,
As the device is a shunting protection device, the first thing you could try is to just remove the part in question and test if the system wakes up without it. If not, then there is something else too that got a deep roast.
I can def try that! Its a securitron door strike mech. We will give it a shot! Appreciate the help so much!!
Wanted to come back and say thanks again for the help! Replaced the diode and the door motor/strike works great! Appreciate the help SOOO much!!! - Brian