Variable Speed Control for Delta BFB0712HHD77 Fan Blower

Looking for a simple PWM controller that will work with the Delta Electronics BFB0712HHD77, am experimenting with air flow into another part of the system. Any suggestions? Thank you!

Hi mmsawals,

Reading the datasheet for BFB0712HHD77, it states that it requires a PWM signal of between 5V and 16V and between 90Hz and 110Hz, so nominally 100Hz.

Additionally, unlike some fans, both 0% and 100% duty cycle will turn off the fan, so one must be sure to have a switching signal to allow it to operate.

Figure 1, from page 6 of datasheet

The most common method of controlling a device such as this would be with a microcontroller. Something like an Arduino can do the job with a little coding and an external potentiometer.

I was thinking one could accomplish this with a 555 timer IC, but I can’t identify any circuit which can both do 0-100% duty cycle and maintain a 100Hz frequency.

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Hello @mmsawals,

A quick follow up to @David_1528 comment.

This may help you get started:

Note that the Arduino Nano Every is a 5 VDC device.



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