3M 3759 series Flat Ribbon Part Numbering - Length

When looking for 3M Flat Ribbon 3759 series, sometime it may feel frustrated when searching for the length of this flat ribbon. How do we know the flat ribbon length when looking for the part numbering?

Comparing the manufactuer part number of 3759/20 100SF as below, “-100” suffix only denotes this flat ribbon was manufactured in the factory length of 100’ before being custom cut into different sizes.

As such, you can refer to the Digi-Key Part Number, MB20A-XXX-ND to find the required product length after custom cut, where “-XXX” suffix is the actual length of product.

-XXX suffix in MB20A-XXX-ND Length
-100 100.0’ (30.48m)
-50 50.0’ (15.24m)
-25 25.0’ (7.62m)
-10 10.0’ (3.05m)
-5 5.0’ (1.52m)
-1 1.0’ (0.304m)