3M's TC/TC-Q GEN II and Power Plug Compatibility

The documentation for 3M’s TC/TC-Q GEN II states the part can accept input voltages ranging from 110V to 230V. However, when you receive yours, you’ll find a sticker on the unit citing that it’s intended for 110V use. What gives? Will this unit work on 220V power?

The answer is yes,it can. The unit can accept any voltage between 110V and 230V, but this specific part number offered through DigiKey is intended for use in the United States. It comes with a U.S. plug and U.S. documentation. The unit will function regardless so long as a US-to-wherever-you-are adapter is used, but if you require documentation for your country, you’ll need to order the country-specific version. At this time, non-U.S. versions of this glue gun are special order items, with the product flier offering orderable SKUs for both a low temp and a normal temp version in EU or UK plugs.