AI GPT-4o VHDL code (from Ada95) to program FPGAs

Can DigiKey chip programming derive Ada95 to VHDL code using their subscription to GPT-4o?
If so, can DigiKey chip programming produce an appropriately sized FPGA for quantity sale?

Welcome to the Technical Forum. I am checking on this one.

Hello @cec-services,

The AIs, including GPT are generally aware of FPGA programming techniques.

In my opinion, the AI offers a good partner to check and explore the operation of the hardware descriptions languages. However, I don’t believe the tools are ready for general purpose programming. Stated another, you need to have a base level of knowledge to formulate the proper prompt. Also, without this skill, you will have no idea how to fix the situations when things go wrong.

A knowledgeable human is required to drive the process.

Are you looking for an FPGA for a particular purpose? If so, please let us know your requirements.

Best Wishes,


P.S. As an educator I’ve seen too many people enter into a downward spiral as they use the AI. Be sure to use it as a partner or agent from which to explore ideas.

See for my project.
I can generate Ada95-to-VHDL code via GPT-4o at $2.00 (two) for 4,100 lines of perfect code, but want to know if DigiKey chip programming can do it, then auto-implement an FPGA.
Xilinx is basically brain dead now for any input other than C++, and impossible to get email answers (and never available to voice talk other than robots).

Once an FPGA part is implemented, any part number, then there is a market place within the largest captive audience of defense departments worldwide.

Hello @cec-services,

DigiKey offers Custom Programming Services where select devices may be programmed using a customer provided program.

In my opinion, it is too soon to offer an AI conversion service. However, you are welcome to seek your own customers and use the DigiKey service within the existing framework.



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We can program any bitstream or hex file that YOU provide for the intended target, we do NOT generate the bitstream or hex file for your design.


I already have a customer supplied program in Ada95 and can obtain it in VHDL code.
Since DigiKey apparently does not have a GPT-4o subscription ($20 / mo), I can get a one month and do it myself.
Can DigiKey auto-implement that VHDL code in an FPGA? Y/N ?

No… We only program bitstream or hex file for the intended target that YOU generate.


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Ok, ty. I take that to mean the chip programming department can write (old term burn) any bit stream or hex code to an FPGA part, but that does not mean the part will necessarily perform as intended.

Hello @cec-services,

In this case, “perform as intended” is the responsibility of the entity who purchased the service.

With so many variables it would be impossible for DigiKey to know how to program the device. I’m less than confidant that even the best AI could perform the task.

Perhaps this is my bias showing, as I know how hard it is to write the proper specifications that would be required by the AI.

May you live in interesting times.



Correct it’s purely a programing service at the chip level. We have no ability to verify any of our customers intended functionality of their design.

Verifying functionality would traditionally be done during the design phase.

You’re a little early to ask for programming, in a normal time frame for this type of project, maybe 3-6 months for an fpga design for where you are sitting right now.


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