Alpha wire 45373 BK199 incorrect specs?

Hi team,

Referring to the below part on your website the specs indicate it’s a 3 twisted pair cable.
45373 BK199 Alpha Wire

This contradicts manufacturer information:

And also info from mouser / above board electronics websites

Thank you

Kind Regards

Hello @hransom
Welcome to community!

As per our website it is a 6 (3 Pair Twisted) Conductor Multi-Pair Cable, which we can also check on supplier’s datasheet.

The cable contains 3 pairs of conductors. Each conductor in the pair is 18 AWG, made of tinned copper strands (16 strands of 30 AWG wire).
Each pair is color-coded to help with identification. The color pairs are:

  • Pair 1: White and Black
  • Pair 2: White and Brown
  • Pair 3: White and Red

Fo more details you can also check page 63 in Xtra-Guard Catalog.

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