Alternative for B0505MT-1WR4 from Mornsun

We do not currently carry the B0505MT-1WR4 power supply from Mornsun, however we do carry similar parts from other manufacturers. Please review the datasheets to ensure the alternative will work for your application.

DC DC Converters | Electronic Components Distributor DigiKey

Hi Shawn, I found this post while researching for B0505MT replacement that I procured from DigiKey in January of this year. Unfortunately, with MORNSUN being sanctioned, the parts are no longer mentioned on your site. This makes the Cross Reference Tool (the solution suggested in the email that informed me about the sanctioning of the supplier) completely useless, since it too can’t find the original (banned) part.

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Hi @chipontherun ,

Sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, you will have to refer to the manufacturers site for original product specifications, which may be a bit more clumsy to cross reference products.

Hi Ryan, thank you for your reply, it is helpful.

My original point was that the email from DigiKey stating that the manufacturer has been sanctioned contained a link to Cross Reference Tool. This link can’t be used due to the removal of the sanctioned part from the website.

In other words, a better approach would’ve been either omitting the link to the tool that doesn’t work, or making the basic parameters of the sanctioned parts still available for the Cross Reference Tool.

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Greetings, Our cross reference tool doesn’t take the information straight from the website, the cross references are checked and input by one of our technicians. We are working on updating it with all the Mornsun products but that is a long list. We are going as fast as we can to get them all updated and available, until then, for your convenience here is the datasheet.

B05xxMT-1WR4 (