AXUV576 Additional Parts Required for operating

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I am wanting to order the Optodiode AXUV576 photodiode, but cannot find information on what other components are needed for the full operation of the device (ie just plug in and use straight away). Are power supplies and additional components available to order here as well? Thanks

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum. This is not a plug and play device you will need additional components to create an operational device. Can provide more information on how you would like to use this in your application ?


Thanks for the reply. I was hoping could you provide a list of the additional components required to essentially make the device a ‘plug and play’ if they are all available to order from your website?


I was hoping could you provide a list of the additional components required to essentially make the device a ‘plug and play’

Unfortunately no specific answer can be given for such an inquiry; it’s up to you to decide what you require in order to satisfy your specific needs and objectives.

Manufacturers’ application notes are a useful resource for learning about techniques and considerations for using devices of different types. An internet search for “photodiode application note” yielded many results, including those linked below.

Hello @hhuddleston01,

Before joining the DigiKey team, I assembled this video. It may provide some useful information to get you started.

Best wishes,


Thank you all for the help this is very useful!

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