Can Mill-Max spring-loaded pins be subjected to washdown procedures?
According to the FAQ on their website:
“While we do not provide any formal guidelines regarding washing down of our parts, we are aware of customers that have successfully performed this type of operation by using mild cleaning solutions, such as soap and deionized water. If your application requires the use of more aggressive cleaning solutions or procedures, we suggest testing it to ensure that it does not damage the spring-loaded pin or the gold plating finish. You also want to avoid using any solutions that will leave a residue that may hinder the movement of the plunger and/or internal spring.”
Spring-Loaded parts from we have in stock from Mill-Max:
Spring Loaded | Rectangular Connectors | Electronic Components Distributor DigiKey
All Spring-Loaded parts we carry from Mill-Max:
Spring Loaded | Rectangular Connectors | Electronic Components Distributor DigiKey