Hi, I’ve been building a list of capacitors to order. Today I see all capacitor descriptions and the search tool do not have the Capacitor physical dimensions. How can I confirm Capacitor physical dimensions so I know my ordered parts will fit without specs listed? Why were the Capacitor physical dimensions removed?
Hello, we are facing similar issue as well. The filter for voltage rating for ceramic capacitors removed as well. I hope they fix this issue soon enough. Choosing correct component is very troublesome right now.
This issue has been reported. We have seen the missing attributes in our search criteria and are working on this.
Hi, I’m seeing the same thing on many crystal parameters. This has put me in a flat panic as I rely on the generally excellent DigiKey database and parametric search. I hope you can fix it soon!
Thank you Brian. Any updates are greatly appreciated. This event happened while I was building a large order.
As I double-checked my specs on each part, I saw there were no specs for my large order, I changed to a different part only to have those specs vanish too. I almost emptied the cart as I was concerned I would not receive the correct physical size of capacitors needed to fit within my product. I finally placed my order after checking the specs for each part using the OEM part #'s at the manufacture’s web-site.