What is the difference in an X5R and X7R ceramic capacitors?
The X5R and X7R are calling out the capacitor’s temperature coefficient. This is the allowable change in capacitance over a set temperature. The following is a breakdown on the EIA three digit codes.
The first code is the low temperature limit.
X= -55°C
Y= -30°C
Z= +10°C
The second number is the high temperature limit.
5 = +85°C
6= +105°C
7= +125°C
8= +150°C
9= +200°C
The third number is the maximum allowable capacitance change from +25°c over the specified temp range.
F = +/- 7.5%
P = +/- 10%
R = +/- 15%
S = +/- 22%
T = + 22% / - 33%
U = + 22% / - 56%
V = + 22% / - 82%