Ceramic Capacitor Temperature Coefficient

What is the difference in an X5R and X7R ceramic capacitors?

The X5R and X7R are calling out the capacitor’s temperature coefficient. This is the allowable change in capacitance over a set temperature. The following is a breakdown on the EIA three digit codes.

The first code is the low temperature limit.
X= -55°C
Y= -30°C
Z= +10°C

The second number is the high temperature limit.
5 = +85°C
6= +105°C
7= +125°C
8= +150°C
9= +200°C

The third number is the maximum allowable capacitance change from +25°c over the specified temp range.
F = +/- 7.5%
P = +/- 10%
R = +/- 15%
S = +/- 22%
T = + 22% / - 33%
U = + 22% / - 56%
V = + 22% / - 82%