Comparison between Melexis parts EVK75027-110-940-2-SLM and EVK75027-110-940-2

If you would like to understand the meaning of ‘SLM’ in the Melexis Technologies part number EVK75027-110-940-2-SLM, please refer to the manufacturer’s response below:

SLM means Sony integrated VCSEL driver version.

The EVK75027-110-940-2-SLM is an enhanced version of the standard EVK75027-110-940-2, featuring dual-junction VCSELs and CXD4029GG-W, an integrated laser diode driver with eye-safety for higher illumination power and better system performance.

It enables improved detection range and can monitor objects with lower reflectivity.

Please check the below for details.

Additional Details:
EVK75027-110-940-2-SLM-DOMS is the combination of the SLM EVK with the Driver monitoring system (DMS)+Occupant monitoring system (OMS) cabineye demo(Software from Emotion3D).
This integrated solution, referred to as DOMS (DMS + OMS), provides a comprehensive setup for customers, including the hardware (EVK) and an evaluation license for the demo software.

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Applicable Part Numbers
DigiKey Part Number Manufacturer Part Number
413-EVK75027-110-940-2-ND EVK75027-110-940-2
413-EVK75027-110-940-2-SLM-ND EVK75027-110-940-2-SLM
413-EVK75027-110-940-2-SLM-DOMS-ND EVK75027-110-940-2-SLM-DOMS