Complete part Number

What is the complete Part Number of this product available in DigiKey because there is some physical variation of this part between Tape reel and Bulk.

Do you a have a link to the part?

There is not enough information shown on that image to easily determine what manufacturer/part it is.

Thanks for following up, however the datasheet link doesn’t really tell us what we need in order to identify a specific part number, as the traits you highlighted are dimensional specs that cover a wide range of part numbers in the TMOV series.

The Tape & Reel line you highlighted corresponds to 43 part numbers- Tape&Reel Options

The Bulk line you highlighted corresponds to 24 part numbers- Bulk Pack Options

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Sorry I missed to add the part number

MFG Part Number : TMOV14RP385E

Hi c.suresh,

The relevant info is on page 8 of the datasheet.

We list the following variations on our website: