Connector ID

Does anyone know what this (10p) connector is? I’m making a sub-harness in order to add an amplifier to my '21 Toyota Tacoma, and this is the plug connecting speakers to receiver. For some reason it is fairly difficult to find on its own.

Hi jj119crf,

Welcome to the Tech Forum.

Are there any markings on the connectors? It looks like there might be some markings on the cable side of the connector on the image you show with it plugged into the receiver, but too distant to make out.

What is the pitch (center to center pin spacing) and row spacing of the connector?

I didn’t have access to the plug in order to look more closely at it until this afternoon. The pin spacing appears to be (0.125"), and there are a few markings on back face of the connector, near the lock. Here are a couple pics from different angles. I appreciate the help!

Hello jj119crf,

The closest option I could find is out of the Molex series CP-3.3 505605 and CP-3.3 505606. Click here for all the options.


I did a little searching on the web. It appears that the part number for the connector itself might be 90980-12C39. Referred to as 12C39. This looks to be a Toyota number possibly. This site looks to show it but is not in English.
Another option to look at is the Toyota Online parts this is a possible place, but I cannot fully confirm it either.
This might be a start for you at least. It appears there are harnesses out there for what you would like to do.
I am sorry, but it looks like we will not have that exact connector.