The Cornell Dubilier Electronics (CDE) part number 520C562P400DF2H, Digi-Key part number
520C562P400DF2H-ND is a non stocking capacitor with a minimum order quantity of 20 and has a 15 week lead time.
You may look at this other Cornell Dubilier Electronics (CDE) part number DCMC562T450DF2B,
Digi-Key part number 338-1234-ND which is a 450vdc, a voltage upgrade, version and closely matches the dimensions.
Here is another option from Nichicon part number LNU2G562MSEH, Digi-Key part number
493-13802-ND. This is the same 400vdc and 5600uf as the original cap, it is rated for -40 to +105c which is an upgrade from the -40 to +85c. It is also shorter being only 4.252" tall while the original is 5.687". The height is normally not a decision matter unless it is taller.