Custom Breakaway - Cuttable Headers

On the Digi-Key website under Rectangular Connectors - Headers, Male Pins
is where the custom Headers are located.
The place to sort these out is in the filter under Connector Type. Highlight the Header, Breakaway and the Header, Cuttable options.


For example:
The Breakaway options are able to Snap “break” apart to make smaller positions.
Digi-Key does have these available in the smaller positions for order.
S1011EC-40-ND is a 40 position that is the Full strip from the manufacturer. This can be bought and broke down into smaller positions at the customers leisure.

The Cuttable options are a little different from the Breakaway style because they do require a Cutting tool to cut them down to smaller positions. Digi-Key does cut these down into smaller positions to order.
SAM10514-ND is a dual row 40 position header from the Manufacturer. This can be bought and Cut down into smaller positions at the customers leisure.

If there are any options that do not show up or questions regarding if a header is cuttable or breakaway, Please contact the Digi-Key custom department at