Deutsch Connector Identification

I’m trying to order 3 different Deutsch connectors but your website has a ton of them. I want to make sure I’m getting the correct ones. I think I understand how to measure everything but I just want to be sure because I also don’t know the proper terminology. I will attach pictures if I can (first time) along with the list of details below.
All descriptions are looking at the face of the connectors with the wire on the back side that is furthest away.

First off, all 3 connectors are the same size.

  • The face of the connectors appear to be about 32mm wide x 19mm tall and 32mm deep.
  • They are also all 12pin male connectors with female sockets (metal part the wire connects to).
  • The distance between the center of the pins going across is 5mm and the distance between the two rows is 10mm.


  • Has a cap on the back of it holding the weather seal in that says Deutsch and has an E in a circle on the left side of that.
  • Locking wedge is green
  • There are 3 line up tabs on the body of the connector. A large square one just to the left of center on the top. A much thin tab on the top left corner and a thick one on the top right corner.


  • Does not have a cap on the back, just the weather seal that says the word Deutsch and has an E in a circle on the right side of that.
  • Locking wedge is green
  • There are 3 line up tabs on the body of the connector. A large square one just to the right of center on the top. A thin tab on the top left corner and an equally thin tab on the bottom left corner.


  • Has a cap on the back of it holding the weather seal in that says Deutsch and has an E in a circle on the left side of that.
  • Locking wedge is green
  • There are 3 line up tabs on the body of the connector. A large square one further to the right on top of the connector. A thin tab on the top left corner and a thicker tab on the bottom right corner.


Thank you for your post.

I was able to narrow down our options in that category to an extent, but there are a few more parameters that you will need to take a look at before choosing.

Ok, and what are those things?