Digi-Spools - A New Service Offering from DigiKey

DigiKey has, for quite a long time, offered Digi-Reels for tape-and-reel parts, where we cut a manufacturer reel to a specific part count specified by the customer, then reattached automated assembly leaders and trailers to allow these custom-length reels to still be utilized with automated production equipment.

In that vein, we’re also now offering Digi-Spools - custom lengths of heat shrink, hook-up wire, and multiconductor cable. This is a new length option available for a selection of parts from these part types, as shown here:


When Digi-Spool is available for a specific part, such as A132313-DS-ND, it will be marked by a ‘DS-ND’ suffix. For parts such as these, you can order them in specific length increments, which will be called out in the part’s description - ‘FEET’ for parts sold by the foot or ‘METER’ for parts sold by the meter. The price break given per quantity will be for the called-out unit of measurement.


If you need exactly 63 feet of a Digi-Spool part such as NTFR-3/16-0-SP, you no longer need to order a 50’ roll, a 10’ roll and a 5’ roll - you can order quantity 63 of A132313-DS-ND and receive exactly the amount you need in a single continuous length.

Digi-Spool is generally packed onto smaller spools for shipping, though some orders may simply be bulk-packed or bagged depending on their size, at the Value-Added team’s discretion; if you need the manufacturer’s original packaging for your order, please contact Applications Engineering for assistance.


There is a new Digi-Spool page available! You can see it here:

Is it possible to get bus wire cut to very short lengths? i am looking to have this product: 286SV005-ND cut into .800 inch lengths?

Hello, Jason. welcome to TechForum!

For requests like this one you can contact our Value Added team, at custom.orders@digikey.com. Digi-Spool doesn’t cover this type of custom cut request, but our VA team can look into it for you and let you know if this is something we can do.