Digikey api 404 error

Hi, i am trying to use search product api v4, use following link:
but it always return:
“type”: “RFC 7231 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content”,
“title”: “Not Found”,
“status”: 404,
“detail”: “Invalid resource path. Requested resource is not available”,
“instance”: “”,
“correlationId”: “12069b82-8802-42cf-9427-6d0cd9275557”,
“errors”: {}
any suggestions? the token has been obtained before this step, and it is not complaining the token here, so assume it is not the problem?

Thank you


Please see https://developer.digikey.com/ for API-related matters.

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Hi, thx for commenting. I did check the developer page but cannot find anything specific. In the page describing this api, it does mention this fault, but there is no explanation that why this fault is triggered and what are the potential solutions.

The “support” tab at the top of the page provides links to contact the API support team.

It’s an altogether separate group from the folks who offer product technical support and hang out here.

Understood, will reach out there. Thank you

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