I have a fairly simple API script that I have been using to pull specific part data from the ProductDetails API and it has been a life saver.
I recently tried to use the Barcoding set of APIs to pull traceability (lot/date codes) from the packing slips. However, the resource url posted on the API info page:
Returns a 404 error, even when trying to run from the site.
This happens with all the barcoding APIs: ProductBarcodes, Product2DBarcodes, PackListBarcodes, and PackList2DBarcodes.
If I take any of those APIs, and plug it in the URL and put it in my browser, I get no service response:
{“fault”:{“faultstring”:“Unable to identify proxy for host: secure and url: /BarCoding/v3/ProductBarcodes/%7Bstring%7D”,“detail”:{“errorcode”:“messaging.adaptors.http.flow.ApplicationNotFound”}}}
Whereas, if I pick another API category, say Product search, and put one of those URLs in the browser, the result is the service saying the query isn’t right (lack of a client ID, for starters):
{“ErrorResponseVersion”:“”,“StatusCode”: 400,“ErrorMessage”:“The Client-Id is missing”,“ErrorDetails”:“Ensure the X-DIGIKEY-Client-Id header has a valid Client-Id”,“RequestId”:“db4bc43a-53ad-41d1-fd74-6dd287c2f425”,“ValidationErrors”:}
Likewise, in my working product details script, changing out the product details resource URL for any of the barcoding URLs results in a 404 response followed by the same error as listed above.
I have tried playing with the URL a little bit (changing the case, changing ‘BarCoding’ to 'BarCode, removing the trailing ‘s’, etc, etc) with no luck. Just too many permutations.
Can anyone confirm this error, or am I just missing something? Could the resource URL for the barcoding APIs just be pointing to the wrong location?
Any insight would be much appreciated!
Thank you very much,