DigiKey website says I'm a robot


Welcome to the Technical Forum , The only way things will be changed is for you to send an email to ux@digikey.com and state the problems and concerns you are having with the web site the more people that make this known to them the better chances of something being done to remedy it .

Thanks Caig

Same issues. Spoke with customer service, they forwarded to my multiple requests to IT. I love DigiKey, it’s my default, but these issues are slowly forcing me to the competition as designs can’t wait for checking 283904283940 times that I’m not a robot.

Has the IT team reached out to you regarding this error?
If not would you still have the error ID from that screen that comes up?

They have not, here is the last one

Reference ID fb8d2da0-bcb5-11ee-a261-7746646986ed

Sorry for the delay, I am still waiting on the IT team.
In the meantime, it maybe possible that clearing cookies and browsing history and then resetting the browser and/or the computer can assist with the issue.

So there’s no way for me to place an order?
Exactly which feedback button am I supposed to be using?

Welcome to the forum.

What happens when you click on the big button and hold the mouse button down for 15+ seconds?

When I’ve hit that pop-up it always clears when I click and hold for a while. AIUI, the hold time is what determines you are human not just a software robot.

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You can also submit a report via the “Report an Issue form” button in the below link.

Ya, that links tells me that digikey likes robots but that the site is only for humans.

This form is on a different subdomain so it seems to work. Both digikey.com and digikey.ca seem to think I’m a robot.

But does it accept you are not a robot when you click and hold the button?

If no, that’s a problem you should report it.

If yes, then no problem to report, it’s working as designed.

Oh, read and follow the instructions on the website? What a crazy idea I would have never thought to read and follow the instructions.

Since you’re such an advocate for observing the world around you maybe you would have a look at the image I provided and see where it says try again. That might imply that I had already tried. In fact I had tried dozens of times. Because I’m not a literal moron and I read and follow the instructions.

Hello @dgress,

I am sorry for the issues you are seeing. I have submitted a ticket and someone from our support team should be reaching out to you directly.

Thank You


I’ve seen that when I didn’t hold long enough. Sorry I tried to help you, I will never make that mistake again.