Could use some help with the ID of this diode so I can order a replacement.
Most likely, it’s either a standard rectifier or Schottky diode that has an “R6” package design (this was the widest in diameter I could find). However, the markings aren’t really clear what voltage it’s rated for. Could you provide an estimate of what voltage would be present for this diode as well as typical current?
Hi thanks for info! It’s a 12v system running an electric clutch on a commercial lawn mower.
The fuse for the clutch is a 20amp mini fuse
From the marking of 410, It may be this diode MUR410G from OnSemi or DigiKey part number MUR410GOS-ND. This is a 100vdc 4amp diode so it should work in a 12vdc 20a circuit
Thank you very much !! You are a huge help !
While the higher reverse voltage rating is fine, generally a diode with forward current rating of 4A is not suitable for a 20A circuit.