DKRed - Can components be on both sides of the PCB?

Can components be placed on both sides of a DKRed board?


Yes, however it should be understood the the DKRed/PCB Builder services are for board fabrication only. Assembly of components to the boards is not a service available through these programs at this time.

And a very cost effective program, it is too.

I have a few observations to share:
I use Eagle V7 and use the resident CAM tool to generate 274X Gerbers with an Excellon drill file. When I upload my zip file and assign layers, all looks good with exception of drill file. I suspect the gerber viewer is not scaling the numbers properly. In any event, over several boards ordered, all the boards were manufactured properly.

The outline file is ONLY the board outline and nothing else! Anything outside the outline on other gerbers is ignored.

The new share function is nice but may have a bug. I made two boards, shared them to my purchasing agent, who placed the order. Both boards were cancelled by dk-red for “No data sent”. I started new orders using the same zip file and options, placed the order myself this time and it went through just fine.

Thank you,

however it should be understood the the DKRed/PCB Builder services are for board fabrication only

Yes, that’s what I meant. Thanks!

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Hello @boppenheimer
Yes we discovered the bug last week, our development team is working on it and hopefully it should be working in no time.
Thanks for the feedback on the viewer, thankfully your boards came in as they should, I will have our dev team take a look after they fix the share option.