Do you sell BK Precision AK7XUSB?

BK precision says you should be able to sell me some, but I don’t find it when I search on your site.
This is an accessory to BK Precision 732A

Hello! I took a look and no, we do not have this part number available right now. I’m not sure why the B&K rep you spoke to thought that it was available through us, we do source parts from them but AK7XUSB is not in our catalog.

OK that’s fine. I asked Mouser the same thing and they basically said it was not in their catalog but because they are a distributor for BK Precision they could get a quote from them and sell them to me that way even though it was not a catalog part.

The industry term for such a process is “non-catalog order.” For a $35 item, after jumping through all the hoops involved it probably results in a net loss running into the thousands of dollars after figuring for labor costs. Feel free to place such orders with Mouser…

I’d have to question though, whether there’s any of the OEM items in existence since it seems like an orphan item on the B&K site, nobody seems to carry/catalog it, and it’s pretty much 90’s era tech. If that’s the case, a person may end up waiting a while… If a person’s feeling game, it may be possible to grab a USB-RS232 cable and a stereo barrel plug to have a go at kludging one’s own together.

Or just look for a different meter with an available/usable interface. The “expensive” option is sometimes the cheapest when time is of value…

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Yeah I’m looking at those kinds of options as well. I’m just following this one through to a conclusion.

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