Error 403

Dear @Robert_Fay
Is there any possibility to resolve my error?

I keep having the 403 error
While using the API, is there a permanent solution to this?
Click Here to Report this Error: 0.a79f3617.1649329750.fc0314d-

Let me check on this and get right back to you.

This should be resolved. Let me know if you have any further issues.

Iā€™m getting this error as well: 0.df5dda17.1650128010.2cff13a1-

Also getting this 0.f6ccd17.1652828181.54117ef8-

Hello Jon

Welcome to the forum. I am sorry you are having issues. I did send this over to have them fix the issue. I am not really sure how long it takes . So hopefully they can get it fixed soon. I will let you know when I hear anything.

Hello Jon,

Well they repsponded and stated you should be able to access the website now. Let us know if it is not working for you and we will have to submit another request. Though it appears it should. Let me know if it does not.

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Hello! I have this same problem as well. I am a US citizen located in New Orleans, LA.

Click Here to Report this Error: 0.df5dda17.1661619988.783e7ce-

Hello @michael2, the error should be resolved. Please check the site again.


Hello, DigiKey
I am customer from USA using office network. After several HTTP 500 errors I got HTTP 403 error for every request. Thank you.

Click Here to Report this Error: 0.37697c68.1664301213.3683225-

Please try it again, it should work now.


Hello. I am also getting the 403 error. This is what it puts out: 0.24c21cb8.1666623104.590ad8f-

I will report this to the correct department.

Hello. I am also getting the 403 error
Error: 0.4c645e68.1669665703.5a960dcb-

Is it possible to also get some assistance with this? Iā€™m getting the following error.

Click Here to Report this Error: 0.3da83c17.1670427469.14e44c7e-

Thank you for helping resolve this error.

Hello @fallenlucid

I have forwarded this information to the correct team for assistance and will post when i get a response. In the future though if you use the Click Here to Report this Error it will email the same team I contact.

Thank you


I am having the same issue even if Iā€™m not using a VPN to connect. Click Here to Report this Error: 0.38674d68.1675442500.2424e99a-

Please help!

Hello @diegoclas

I have forwarded this information to the correct team for assistance and will post when I get a response. In the future, though if you use the Click Here to Report this Error it will email the same team I contact.

Thank you

Hi, this is happening me as of a day or two ago. In Ireland, no VPN.

