Footprint Symbol Mismatch for MBRB2515LT4G

The component with the Manufacturer Product Number: MBRB2515LT4G has a footprint and symbol mismatch on the models page. The footprint provided by Digikey shows that pins 1 and 3 are the anode and pin 2 is the cathode but the datasheet shows that pins 1 and 3 (which corresponds to pins 1 and 2 on Digikey’s footprint) are the cathode and pin 4 (which corresponds to pin 3 on Digikey’s footprint) is the anode, please consider fixing this issue.

Screenshot 2024-09-27 095952

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We are looking into this matter and will correct and update the information.