General question about reflective tape: replacement

I apologise on my lack of familiar on the subject of reflective tape but thought I’d leverage the expertise ehre. There is a device onsite that detest people walking past by with a photocell sensor that emits a red light (not sure if it is laser or IR or other beam) but it’s not a beam that you can see only a circle around 1-2cm diameter on the reflective tape. The photocell and light is aligned to hit a piece of reflective tape (2.5cm x 5cm, vertical strip) about 100cm away. So that when a person walks past the photocell and break the beam and the device makes a count.

The tape has been worn over the past year and needs replacing with the manufacturer of the device has recommending the (BRT-THG-1-100 and BRT-THG-2-100) as replacement tape for but wonder if there are general details I should know about reflective tape and other alternatives both with higher reflective rating to and/or durability? Many thanks!

Hello Garym,

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum.

When it comes to reflective tape, reflectivity and target area are the main aspects to keep in mind. The snip below gives some general info on the retroreflective tapes.

In my experience if a manufacturer recommends a product for use as replacement that product is usually the best fit. We do have both BRT-THG-1-100 and BRT-THG-2-100 in stock. BRT-THG-2-100 has a bigger reflective area, double that of the BRT-THG-1-100 but they have the same reflectivity.

Hope that helps.