Help identify part by marking code

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum. I did a search on the markings and came up with nothing. Do you have a schematic or any information on this part besides the markings? Can you take an expanded photo of the part showing the board to see how this is being used ?

I’m drawing a blank here as well, at least in our own catalog. Hopefully someone on the forum will recognize this.

Please, provide the device model and take a full photo of the board.

Your schematic implies that it is comparing a 1Vac signal to 0.5V, set by the voltage divider of the two resistors. A comparator or an adjustable voltage detector are likely candidates.

Output would be a square wave fed to the MCU at the frequency of the 1Vac signal.

Very close to the LMV331IDBVR chip.


Agree. Typical pinout of a comparator. The MCP6541UT-E/OT would be another example.