Need help selecting camera (ArduCam?) and Lens combo which will have >=2k resolution in video mode, at >=20 fps and resolve >= 10 microns.
I have looked at the ArduCam V3 (not the wide) but not sure if I can add a 25 mm lens.
If I could the math looks like the following:
size = 2*tan(fov/2)*distance
where distance is “to” target from camera and size is target size.
fov is field of view in radians.
For the V3, the normal fov is 66 degrees and resolutions is 2304 (at 56 fps).
If I can use a 25mm lens, then I can get about 11 micons.
Please help!

Hi @lee ,

Thank you for reaching DigiKey TechForum. I am inquiring with our product manager on this request and will post as soon as I hear back.


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