Help with these parts

Hi I was wondering if you could help me again please I am trying to repair my stereo and require the following components as below

  1. Transistor 2SC1740S-S-AP
  2. Transistor 2SB772

I have enclosed some pics to help many thanks

Hi Michaelbix2015,

The 2SC1740S-S-AP is obsolete and I was unable to find a direct replacement in our system. The only 2 options I could find that are close can be found HERE. Keep in mind that these options have a lower Vce saturation and a lower DC current gain than the 2SC1740S-S-AP but the other specs match so check the datasheet to ensure it will work for your application.

For the 2SB772, this one is also obsolete but we do have a couple of similar options that can be found HERE. Hopefully this helps, let us know how the repair goes.