ICE5AR0680BZSXKLA1 & ICE2A265FKLA1 , direcly interchangable?

I have stumbled upon a Treadmill motor driver inverter , and the motor control board requires “ICE2A265FKLA1” to control one of the transformer for output voltage regulation. This IC is damaged and I am looking for a new one. i couldn’t find any and the only alternative I found was “ICE5AR0680BZSXKLA1” . Are they directly interchangeable ? I simply want to get a new IC and solder it on the Motor control board to fix it .

Sadly no, without more re-work.

While Infineon ICE2A265 recommends the ICE5AR0680BZS these are not 100% compatible.

Looking at the datasheet for the ICE2A265: Page 4 and Page 6 Pin 4 is a Drain on the DIP-8 part… While looking at the datasheet for ICE5AR0680BZS: page 2 and 5 Pin 4 is now a dedicated gate pin with it’s own pull-up resistor.



Here are the Differences.

Hi jubaer.islam.khan,

As @RobertCNelson stated, no, the ICE5AR0680BZS is not a direct replacement for the ICE2A265FKLA1, and I’m quite certain that there is no other available part that would be a direct replacement. These off-line switch mode power supply controllers all have subtle to significant differences which generally prevent using substitute parts without substantially redesigning the rest of the circuitry.

If you cannot manage to run down another ICE2A265FKLA1 somewhere else, the only other part which would probably work in the identical circuit is the also obsolete ICE2A365FKLA1. The only difference between these two parts is that the latter part can handle somewhat higher current.

If you can’t find either one, then the only alternative I can think of would be to use a separate AC-DC power supply and connect it’s output at the output point of your circuit.

Fig.1: Typical Schematic of ICE2A265 Power Supply (page 9 of datasheet)

To do this, you would have to figure out what the output voltage was configured to be on your board. To do so, you would need to identify R1 and R2 on your board from the schematic on page 9 of the ICE2A265 datasheet and determine their values (See also the AN-EVAL-ICE2A365-1 datasheet). Then, using the formula from Figure 7-2 on page 19 of the TL431 datasheet (the 3-pin adjustable shunt regulator), you can calculate what the output voltage is supposed to be on your board.

Fig.2: TL431 Shunt Regulator Output Voltage Configuration Circuit

VKA is the same as the output voltage in the ICE2A265 circuit. Vref is 2.5V for the TL431 and Iref is only a few microamps, and as such, can generally be ignored in the formula.

Once you determine the output voltage, you can search for a suitable AC-DC supply to splice into your treadmill. Depending on the components actually used in the design, the ICE2A265 is capable of providing up to 32 Watts if powered by 120Vac, so one should find a supply capable of providing at least that much power.

Here are links to power supplies capable of providing at least 32W. Output voltage must be determined as prescribed above and that value filtered for from within each category of power supply.