Hola buen día, busco su ayuda para encontrar el siguiente componente, por lo que puedo observar se trata de un termistor, sin embargo, no lo he podido hallar específicamente, me gustaría saber si me puedan recomendar alguno que se asemeje.
Las especificaciones que pude observar del componente anterior son las siguientes:
Aquí desde otro ángulo que encontré en internet.
Hello leonardopalonso,
Welcome to the TechForum! In looking at this part, I don’t think we’re going to be able to identify it solely on part markings alone. There was a close match in SL22 2R510, however that seems to have 125-003 instead of 006 as a part marking. Because there is no breakdown available on the part markings, we cannot be sure what specifications are affected by this and as such cannot suggest exactly what part this is nor advise of a replacement at this time.