Identifying Thermostats

Hello All,

This is something that comes up for a number of product types, but I recently saw a good example pop up for identifying thermostats by photo or by visual reference (tech jargon for “pick it up and look at it”).

Often we see people trying to search for thermostats, switches, and the like based on printed markings on the case of the device, however this can sometimes be misleading. For example, in the 245xxx set of series (datasheet linked here) are often more easily identified by looking at the embossed markings on the back of the device, near the terminals rather than the printed text on the side. We recently had someone tryng to find a part number “2-818 L80C 86D” with no luck, but on reviewing the photos there was a marking showing the series name “2455R” on the back, which was a bit harder to see.

It can still take some legwork depending on how much info the marks actually provide, but they can still narrow the field considerably. Try not to fixate on one set of markings or make any assumptions about which line of text corresponds to a model number on these things.

NOTE: I’m hoping to update this with visual references once I have permission to use some of the photos that I received of the specific parts I used as an example.

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