Looking for a cross reference for IHLP5050EZER100MA1. One possible option that I was able to locate was IHLP5050EZER100M01 Digi-Key part 541-1030-2-ND. A link to the datasheet for each part is listed below. IHLP5050EZER100MA1 is an automotive type of inductor and IHLP5050EZER100M01 is the commercial variant of that part.
IHLP5050EZER100MA1 datasheet
IHLP5050EZER100M01 datasheet
The TechForum Cross Reference category is for parts that Digi-Key does not sell or parts that have gone obsolete. Our Engineers and Techs have reviewed the specifications for these parts and made a recommendation for a replacement. Please review the suggested part to ensure it will work for your application.