Info about HVA Series Amplifier

Hello, my team needs to buy high voltage amplifiers, and we have a few questions about the HVA Series Amplifiers that we have found on your website. We need to amplify a sinusoidal (or a square wave) signal from ±2.5V to the range of ±1-2 kV. We do not understand if these amplifiers can have a sinusoidal/square wave (centered in zero) as output. Thank you in advance for your help!


Assuming it is these products that you are referring to, the portion of the datasheet pictured below would seem relevant.


This is describing the output response to a step change in the programming voltage input for different amounts of load capacitance present at the output. For example, this device can swing the output between 90% of full-scale negative output to 90% of positive full scale output in 5ms or less if the capacitance on the output is only 30 pf, but requires as much as half a second to do the same thing if there are 10 nF of capacitance on the output.

Depending on the frequency of your sine wave or how “square” your square wave needs to be, these devices may or may not be suitable.

Hello, thank you for your reply! Yes, those are the products I am referring to.
Assuming that I need to go back and forth from positive FS to negative FS to produce a square wave centered at zero, how can I program this device to do it? Is seems like it it impossible to do it with an oscillating input signal centered at zero, because from the data sheet, the programming voltage seems to be from 0V to 5V DC. So how can I control the output to make it positive/negative? Is the device controllable from a computer with a software like LabView?
Alternatively, do you have other amplifiers that can directly amplify an oscillating signal from ±2.5V to the range of ±1-2 kV?
I apologize for the amount of questions, and thank you!

The mapping of these devices’ output to a 0~5v range was likely chosen for convenient use with the (many) microcontroller devices that operate from a single 5v supply.

There’s a modest chance that whatever’s generating your ±2.5V source signal has a capability of offsetting that signal to give the necessary 0~5v range. If not, that offset could be added using a simple op amp circuit.

Whatever tools one might choose to provide it, these devices require an analog voltage control signal in the range of 0~5v. One could use an I/O device under control of labview, or a function generator, or a microcontroller, or dissimilar metals stuck into a lemon for all it cares.

I’m not aware of other packaged amplifier products for kV-level outputs, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist somewhere. If you’d care to describe the application in greater detail, it may be possible to offer additional guidance or suggestions.

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Yes, I am using a I/O device to generate the input signal, and I could generate it in the 0-5V range. But I still wander how to tell the amplifier to change the polarity of the output to create a wave centered in zero as output. How is it controlled?

The entire output range is shown mapping to the 0~5v input. To achieve an output centered at the midpoint of the output range (i.e. 0v) one would provide an input centered at the midpoint of the input range, i.e. 2.5v.

OK perfect I understood now, thank you!