Input details for OCXO NA-100M-68xx series Oscillator from Taitien

If you’re looking for details regarding the VCO Reference Input required to generate a 100MHz output for Taiten crystals, please refer to the information below for the OCXO NA-100M-68xx series:

  • Input Impedance for Vc: Minimum 100kΩ
  • Modulation Bandwidth: Minimum 3kHz

Additionally, the term “steady state is 2W of power” refers to the maximum power consumption.

This equates to a maximum current of 167mA at 12V (2W/12V = 167mA).

Applicable Part Numbers
DigiKey Part Number Manufacturer Part Number
1664-1595-ND NA-100M-6822
1664-1594-ND NA-100M-6812
NA-100M-6800-ND NA-100M-6800
NA-100M-6810-ND NA-100M-6810
NA-100M-6801-ND NA-100M-6801
NA-100M-6820-ND NA-100M-6820
NA-100M-6811-ND NA-100M-6811
NA-100M-6821-ND NA-100M-6821
NA-100M-6802-ND NA-100M-6802