
Hi All,

Need help identifying an oscillator.

Thanks, Byron

That appears to be a 4 MHz crystal in an HC-49/US through hole package.

Hopefully somebody recognizes the manufacturer’s logo because there are a lot of variations in stability, accuracy and load capacitance specs. With the manufacturer known, the other marking (1150.) should give the other specs needed.

See this search result for 4 MHZ HC49/US that are active and in stock.


Does anyone have an idea on the logo on this unit? I have had no luck finding any information on it.

Or if there is a way to test it to find parameters?

Hello @ByronT,

This looks like a NDK parts. While DigiKey does offer NDK parts, I am unable to find the pictured part. Recommend you select from the list provided by @PaulHutch.

Best wishes,



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Now that we have a manufacturer it appears to be from an obsolete product line (I found nothing in HC49/US packaging in their current catalog). Searching their website for “1150” also found nothing and without a data sheet it will be a crap shoot finding a replacement that works accurately.

I’d be tempted to use their crystal unit contact form to see if they can provide the old data sheet for the product. (this summary card link goes directly to the contact form)


Thank you Paul! I have sent in the request.


Thank you for finding who the log belongs to!