Intel® Ethernet Controller I210-IT Alternative?

Intel® Ethernet Controller I210 Series

Is there a suitable alternative available to replace a product from this series?

Part Numbers in this Series


This part is not normally stocked on the shelves of DigiKey at this time. However, It may be possible to order it as a non-catalog item. If this this is possible, manufacturer lead times, minimum quantities and pricing would be applicable.

Supplier information can be found at this link

Alternative Options

Looking at the I210 options, only the CL and The CS offer an embedded option. That chip is 9mm x 9mm.

While looking into the specifications on a detailed level is not possible since the supplier keeps that information closely guarded, I believe I did find an option that would at least be worth taking a look at. I do recommend on having an engineer request the proper data from Intel and analyze the parts compatibility before ordering.

AQC111C & AQC112C


Click here to see these products on the DigiKey website


If you have determined that this will or will not work for your project, feel free to share your experience in the comments!

Please review the datasheets to ensure the alternative will work for your application.