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I was getting a board setup via the DKRed Quick Turnaround and noticed that the Quantity option won’t update below 6 boards as if it’s treating 6 boards as the minimum.
Is this just an issue on my end or is the minimum DKRed order actually 6 rather than 4?
I have a 2 x 2 inch, four layer board and I did manage to get a quantity of 4 set up a few minutes ago.
But, as I was fiddling with PCBBuilder, I noticed that the Options & Specifications parameters wouldn’t synchronize with DKRed requirements, i.e. I had red soldermask, 170-180 FR4, ENIG, but the DKRed would say I didn’t qualify and sometimes DKRed wouldn’t appear at all.
Additionally, I kept getting “empty soldermask” errors with both Gerber zip and kicad_pcb files though this might an issue with KiCAD 6.0?
Maybe PCBBuilder was having a bad day or something’s off on my end…
Not sure that it’s a general KiCAD 6.0 or 7.0 issue, I’ve uploaded from both with success. If you continue to have issues with anything we appreciate the feedback.