I have issues with the SO2 sensor ULPSM-SO2 968-006. We bought the sensor from Digikey and use the program provided in GitHub by David Peaslee (GitHub - SPEC-Sensors/ULPSM: Public Arduino Library for ULPSM (ultra-low power sensor module) or SDK (sensor development kit)), which was also seen from a post in this forum. However, it seems that the program checks if the measured parameter (Vref) is almost the same as the calculated parameters. We refunded and bought another sensor thinking that the problem are from the sensor but when we plugged in the same code, the same results happened.
- The expected Vref is around 1700mV
- The measured Vref from the ULPSM is 1600mV (Which is also double-check using a multimeter)
- That is why the program thinks that there is a problem in the configuration and hence, advised to recheck the settings.
Say for instance we bypass and use the expected Vref instead the result are too high, that it exceeded the 20ppm.
It is either that two ULPSM-SO2 968-006 are defective, or there is a problem with the code itself being released in the public domain.
I would really appreciate your help since this project is funded by the city (Air Quality Monitoring).
Code portion:
Serial.println(“Remove Sensor.”);
if (sensor1.OCzero(n)) {
Serial.print("Vref new = ");
} else {
Serial.println(“Recheck Settings, Zero out of range”);
while (1) {