Item not found in Israel store

Hello, I tried to purchase this item from Adafruit and I was sent to your page to purchase it: Adafruit RFM96W LoRa Radio Transceiver Breakout - 433 MHz [RadioFruit] : ID 3073 : $19.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits

The produt exists in the USA store, but as soon as I log into my account with my Israeli address, I’m unable to view it in the store. It mentions it is removed from my cart due to restrictions. Which restrictions are these? Where can I read more about them? How can I legally obtain similar equipment for a project I’m conducting in Israel?


Sales may be geographically restricted for a variety of reasons, including export restrictions or contractual business agreements. In this instance, it appears that DK is currently unable to ship this item to most destinations outside of North America.

Local versions of the website take this patchwork of restrictions into account, by not displaying products that cannot be sold into the selected region. Using those sites to make product selections will likely be the most convenient means of determining which products will and will not be available to ship to your area.